You have to have a Tony Hawk-sized bank account to get your hands on one of these bad boys. Don’t believe me? A 5-minute ride (with assistance from Hendo staff) costs you one hundred bucks, a duplicate board without a hover engine (so just a bit of fancy wood, really) will set you back $449, and an actual hoverboard is $10,000. Sure, that’s a ton of money, but concurrently, it’s a freaking hoverboard, one which you might essentially own and ride at any moment. It’s time for you to start saving!
The hovering action isn’t as severe as Marty McFly’s board. The Hendo Hoverboards will hover about an inch above the ground. I’ve seen several negative people out there, whining how the hovering action is small. I’d much like to remind you that this is known as a first gen hoverboard, knowing that the one inch Hendo lets you hover is precisely one inch more than we’ve had with anything prior to the introduction of the Hendo Hoverboard. Now you simply need some of Marty’s ill kicks to totally supply you to hover in fashion. At this time there’s also a completely new hoverboard obtainable on the current market(sort of). It’s kind of like a hoverboard but it’s called a mini segway, and the cool thing about it is, no handlebars are equipped on it and you’ve likely have noticed it once or twice! These awesome two-wheeled electric scooters move with the use of your legs only, so no steering is needed at all. With these mini segway hoverboards surfacing around the world, it makes us think how quick and rapid times are changing and what on earth is next for technology. There are numerous places where the mini segway is for sale, so if you’re interested check at any local electronic store! Hendo is actually in the works right now to constructing the 2nd gen hoverboard and they said they believe to launch it by 2017. So if you’re looking ahead to getting your hands on a hoverboard or should I say legs than support Hendo!
Another cool benefit of promoting Hendo is the company as well as its founder, Greg Henderson, have a vision that moves far beyond equipping people with incredible hoverboards. Hendo hopes to carry on with creating its hover technology, called Magnetic Field Architecture, therefore it could not only allow us to have hovering skateboards, but also supply actual structures to hover when it comes to natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, rising sea levels, or even a zombie apocalypse.