Lead by example. It will be hard to get your kids off the couch if you aren’t doing it yourself. If your family doesn’t exercise regularly, start going on walks together after dinner or consider taking a fitness class with your children to get them involved. When your children see that you enjoy regular exercise and observe how it benefits your life, they’ll be more likely to join in instead of resisting.
Keep screen time to a minimum. Although most kids today watch television, surf the Internet, and play video games, it’s important that screen time is limited to several hours a day and eliminated before bedtime to ensure a good night of rest. Although kids may fight this change at first, limited screen time means that kids have the opportunity to play outdoors or engage in other creative activities.
Include friends. To add a social element to exercise that will make it more attractive, sign your kids up for a group activity, like a soccer team. Your kids will soon look forward to spending time playing and practicing with friends, and exercise will no longer seem like a chore.
Take it slow. Each child is different, and regular exercise doesn’t have to fit within a specific set of guidelines. If your child is more introverted, they may enjoy hiking with you one-on-one to collect interesting leaves and flowers instead of playing with children at the park. The point is to never give up when it comes to finding an activity that your child will love, as long as it gets them moving and helps break a sweat.