Cut back on processed foods

It is beneficial to restrict the intake of processed foods and instead eat a well-balanced and healthy diet that consists of high fiber carbohydrates, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Eat the rainbow

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables at mealtime to increase the ability to introduce more vitamins and minerals to the diet. The widest range of colors is a best option. Plus, this is a great way to show young soccer players that eating healthy can be fun and colorful.

Healthy fats

The right kinds of fat can be heart-healthy. Any healthy diet can benefit from a varied range of healthy fats, such as flaxseed oil, fish, avocado, seeds, natural nut butters and olive oil. About 20 to 35% of your calorie intake should come from healthy fats.

Breakfast every day

A great way to jump-start the metabolism for the day is by eating a healthy breakfast. A couple of the great breakfast options to fuel the body include muesli which is packed with fruits and whole grain to provide slow-burning energy, while oatmeal is a further option that is rich in carbohydrates.

Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated to keep your body running smoothly. Any signs of dehydration can have a significant impact on your ability to maintain your performance while playing. Ideally, you should drink about 3 liters of water, green tea or other non-caloric beverages every day.